


or Kat·man·du

[ kaht-mahn-doo, kat-man- ]


  1. a city in and the capital of Nepal, in the central part.

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Example Sentences

Later, in Kathmandu at a reception feting her fourth summit, Lakpa tried to mask the bruises with pancake makeup.

Around the same time, she met an American mountaineer at the Rum Doodle, a bar in Kathmandu.

They died in a storm, and Bradey reached Kathmandu reeling from grief.

Yeah, like Kathmandu and Monte Carlo, Maine and Monrovia, Harold had been to Vegas before.

The pride of Kathmandu is a cross-country skier named — I kid you not — Sherpa.

He also says, that the Raja was carried to Kathmandu, where he died after some confinement.

They were said to be brought from the mountains in the vicinity of Kathmandu.

Over the Bicharis of Kathmandu is a chief called Ditha, who does not try causes, but watches over the conduct of the court.

The plain is bounded on the west by the Arun, and is not quite so cool as Kathmandu, nor is it fully cleared.

It contains about 12,000 houses, mostly occupied by Newars, and is built of brick like Kathmandu.




